Sunday, March 18, 2012

Consuming Fire---"Ouch that hurts"

     Our God is a consuming fire Heb 12: 27-29----- 27- Now this indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain 28 Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably      
with reverence and godly fear. 29 For our God is a consuming fire.
     I don"t consider myself a theologian, far from it, but when God shakes up your little world, something deep  inside of you needs to be released.  This is a big step to write about what I feel and articulate my feelings in a way where other people can relate and the glory of God may be spread to my one or two readers of this Blog.
     Before I came up to North Dakota from Salt Lake I had a stable job driving bus, 40 hours, I could have worked another 10 years, retire and so goes the comfortable life! God, in His infinite wisdom,  had a different plan of action for me and of course, Gods' plan is always the harder route to take than your way. Consider that everyone is playing out the Mission Impossible movie of  life, God is the chief of  operations and in prayer He says " If you decide to accept this mission, you can only rely on Me for your comfort and strength, everything you relied on in the past will be shaken to the core. You will be consumed by My Spirit, to be able to learn who I Am, to know My Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who Saved us from certain death because He is the perfect blood sacrifice,(the Lamb who was slain)  who died on the cross to bore our sins and on the third day My Son rose from the dead and is sitting on His throne in Heaven! In this process, you will have forgiveness of sin, Mercy, Grace and all the tools you need to live a righteous life in front of ME! This promise will not self destruct in 5 seconds but I will work on our selfishness so you can think of others more than yourself, I will always be with you, never forsake you, I will carry you in the rough times and in the good times, If you rely on Me for all your needs you will be blessed.                                                                       
       Since that was said, I have been up here in North Dakota in the oil fields, I love the fact I am driving the big rigs and I will be coming back to Salt Lake to see my son and my friends at the end of March. The work is slow but when I do work I like it. I started to get discouraged about the money but that was shot down very quickly by God. He is refining me to rely on Him, to go to Him in prayer to ask Him for wisdom and all the desires of my heart, now how can I get discouraged with my God who cares for me so much that He sent is only Son to die for me. I am Blessed
         Why did I picked Heb 12: 27-29, I was driving down the road and looking at all and the oil wells, on the oil well sites there is a pipe, the pipe is venting off the natural gas which is present with the oil underground. The end of the pipe where the natural gas is coming out, is lite it on fire to burn off the natural gas. I asked my co-worker why they don't use the gas for heating or cooking? His response was very interesting, "the natural gas that comes out of that pipe, they can't use because it not the right kind of gas, it has chemicals that are not good for you, it has a bad smell to it and all around it's good for nothing. That is the reason they burn off the unwanted gasses.
            God is the consuming fire, just like Moses at the burning bush, It was on fire but it wasn't being consumed. It dawn on me when I saw the fire in the oil well, it a perfect representation of a Christian and of our own sin within us.  Deep underground were the oil is, represents our inner being were His Spirit lives within us. The oil is the sin within our bodies that has been there from the time of Adam and Eve and the tree of good and evil, this sin, if not purged from the body weighs us down to the point of death. The Pipe, well of course that is Jesus, when you accept Jesus into your inner being, you are saved from the death by the death that Jesus willingly suffered on the cross, to have forgiveness of your sin and to get your name in the Book of Life. The Pipe or Jesus is the venting to get the sin out of the body ( forgiveness of sin ). Now the natural gas is not the result of too many beans you ate, it is the result of the oil or sin within our bodies from our own fleshly desires and the inherent sin we got from Adam & Eve. The oil,  if in the ground will produce natural  gas, so the gas represents the ugliness, unwanted smell, the no good for you, result of sin in your life.
          The final say on this whole matter is God the consuming fire, When the gases (result) of the oil (sin) in your life has a PIPE( Jesus) to vent off (forgiveness of sin) the unwanted gases (sin) to the surface (known to God) to the consuming fire! God is faithful and will be the match of forgiveness and will clear the air of the wanted and unwanted gas in your life for a deeper more satisfying relationship with the creator, my God and my King.                      JESUS the Lamb of God   

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

GOD changes everything / Reclaiming my Heart Chapter 2

                                                             Chapter 2 

         I truly thought after I came back from Haiti last year, God had showed me where my Heart was at, I totally accepted I will be down in Haiti or the like in the next 5 years. I came back from Haiti in October 2011 with a love of the people of Haiti and the country that I had a hard time coming back and becoming a bus driver lol! One thing I found out about myself in Haiti, God can use you in a mighty way if you get yourself out of your comfy zone, plainly said, it's all your external and internal mechanisms you build around you to make you feel safe and secure. You go to a third world country, the safety net is no where to be found,  for me, to find out all my so called safety nets were built around my heart to protect my heart from feelings I didn't want, or like to feel, like loneliness, homelessness or spiritual deadness. The only real  comfort I had in Haiti was knowing when all my safety nets were demolished and I was falling, there was no where to land EXCEPT in the arms of Jesus.  
            In November, I was looking at my 3 week vacation, I knew I was going to Haiti, I made arrangements to go to northern Haiti, I was so excited but I had some reservations, I could only go once a year, I was devastated! Thanksgiving was right the corner and  I didn't feel thankful. I was praying about what to do about going to Haiti more, it was a painful season of doubting which God took the doubting away very quickly because Thanksgiving came, Marilyn's family came into town for the week. Reg (Marilyn's son in law) told me about trucking up in North Dakota oil fields, how you work two weeks and off two weeks. Right away my ears perked up and I was convinced that was answer to prayer, so I prayed even more and felt very comfortable ( there's that word again) getting my class A and QUITTING my bus job of 12 years and benefits to go work up in the oil fields of ND so I can have 2 weeks off a month to go to Haiti and spend some time with me son Aaron. Prayers ANSWERED!!!!!!!!  So here I sit in a little trailer in New Town, North Dakota, the work is unpredictable, in the last week, 2 times I stayed up for more than 30 hours straight, you work enough hours in 2 weeks than others job you work in a month. I can say with confidants God has placed me in this situation to grow me for the mission field, a stranger in a strange land.  I know I can be content anywhere, because I have fallen in the safety net of Christ! When you stir up the pot of comfortism, you never know what God might have in store for you but you will have blessings to the 10th degree. Trust me, I am living out the blessings. I can't wait for Chapter 3!!!  Thanks for your Prayers everyone! 
no more Mr Bus Driver

This is my front yard view

Yes, Ice fishing

This is a"frac" site
The cylinders are holding Oil

Cool Farm

Big town of New Town

Bridge over the river Kwai
It's actually a big lake with a even a bigger Indian name   

Home is were the the heart is at